
Here’s a thing to do outside. You can plant a garden. All you need is a big place for your garden. A suggestion is a brick box that is big.

You want to know what we grow? We grow golden beets, cucumbers, carrots, basil, squash, strawberries, mint, and tomatoes.

If there’s old soil then cover it up with new good soil. If you you see a worm don’t kill it! Worms actually can help your garden. If you want your garden to stay alive water it about 3 times a week.

Do you want your plants to grow well? If you do then you have to thin some of the plants. Thinning the plants helps your plants have enough space to grow big! If the leaves on your plants have a brownish look on them water them more. Then if you see holes in your plants you might want to look for aphids. If you see aphids you should buy some Ladybugs. Ladybugs eat aphids so it’s a natural way to help your garden grow.  Your plants should always be green.

Did you know that plants can be above the ground or under the ground? If you are growing tomatoes you should have a metal case around it. They grow above the ground. Golden beets are an example of a plant that grows underground. If you would like some color near your garden, you can plant flowers around it to make it look nice.

One idea to help you remember  what the plants are called is to put in wooden posts with the names written on it so you can remember. You shouldn’t pick them when they’re baby sprouts because they won’t have any food on them for you to eat. Be patient. It usually take plant between 50-80 days to grow into a full plant.



Lastly, have fun and enjoy your fruits and vegetables.




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