Tadpole Hunting

Today you’re going to learn about tadpoles and frogs. You can find tadpoles in a ditch with water. When you find some,  get a plastic container and fill it part of the way up with ditch water then bring them home. You should put a lid or something over the container so they don’t splash around in your car.

First they will swim around . Then they’ll grow legs and arms. You need to replace the water every other day with water from where you found them.

It will take about a week for them to grow little legs. Now they will start to climb the rocks. They need algae to eat when they’re little and protein when they have legs. You can add algae wafers from the fish store if needed and other plants from the water you got them from.

Keep the lid on, but leave a little crack so the wild birds don’t eat them.  At my house the birds ate them and we had to go and get more tadpoles.

Eventually they will grow into froglets, then into big adult frogs. They will start to climb so you will want to put in some rocks or large pieces of wood or mulch.

Have fun watching your froglet swim around.  When you’re done watching them, put them back in the same pond that you found them in.  Return them to their original home.

Nature Walk

Do you want to do something outside?If you do then you can go on a nature walk. Be carful for snakes. You can see cool wildlife on the trail. Remember to bring sunscreen, a hat, water, food.

Rockhounds Baseball

Do you know about the Rockhounds? They are a minor league baseball team. You could see if you have a minor league team near your city.  They’re good baseball players. They win a lot of games. The players in the field are great at catching. Sometimes, when the players come in from the field they will throw you a ball before they go into their dugout.

At the end of games sometimes they even stay to sign your ball. With some teams, if you get there an hour early kids can sign up to play games on the field between innings.   Kids often win prizes at the game!