Trash Control

Cans, plastic, and paper.  What do all of these things have in common? They are all litter! Do you like litter? Well I certainly don’t.

If you are looking for something to do outside, you could go pick up trash. In my neighborhood they are building new houses and my family noticed a lot of trash. I didn’t like seeing the trash all over our neighborhood so my family decided to go pick up trash with the help of our neighbors.

As we picked up trash we used the Litterati app.

When you use this app while picking up trash you can take a picture of the litter and tag it to identify what it is.  This app lets you take a picture and it automatically marks the location where you found the trash and puts a red dot on their map using GPS coordinates.

When you’re all done you can go back to the Web page and see where you found each piece of trash.  If you click on one of the little red dots it will show what exactly the litter is.

You can also go on their map and see what other people have picked up. You can see that a lot of people have littered and other people have had to go pick up after them.  A lot of people don’t like to pick up trash but it’s what you should do for your community.

In the end my family and neighbors helped pick up 5 bags altogether.  Each bag weighed 10-15 pounds we got about 60 pounds of trash.This day I felt pretty good because I knew when I looked out my window from my house I wouldn’t see a lot of trash anymore. Anyone who is interested should start picking up trash – and if you want to use the Litterati app it helps track the litter to see just how much litter is in our world.

To get the Litterati app go to the Litterati website and and get it on your (or your mom’s) phone.