At The Beach

Splish, splash! who wants to go to the beach?   We will build sand castles, surf on the ocean waves, and even catch the coolest and weird looking bait fish.


But first we have to do all of the packing ( BORING). The things to pack are towels chairs and beach toys. You can carry things or put them in a wagon.


Surfing is so much fun and simple at the exact same time. The best way to start is to use little but awesome waves. Once you have learned how to surf, start practicing not letting go of the surfboard. Then it’s simple just surf the biggest most awesomest waves of all time. See its not so hard just a few simple steps and YOU HAVE GOT IT.

Now building a sandcastle is as simple, there’s only a few steps. The first step is to get a bucket of mostly sand ,but a little bit of water on top then mix it. Your second step is to is to flip the bucket over and tap it hard with the palm of your hand. The third step is to shape it in to any shape that you want. The last step is to make more sand castles.

Now are you wondering how do I catch such small fish in a net? well you can do it with a little teaching and some practice. Your first step is to buy a net if you don’t already have one. Then you must find small bait fish, and very slowly sneak up on them. Next once you are close enough very quickly scoop the fish in to the net. Once you have caught a fish you can do many things with it, such eat it release it or use it as bait for catching a larger fish.

Now do you want to go to the beach? Check out beautiful and fun Florida beaches here. 


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