
First you need good soil to plant your seeds in. Good soil is rich in humus and loamy. If you don’t know how to identify that type of soil here’s a picture above.

Then until it’s been 1-2 weeks you need to water the seeds about every other day, or they will die. After it’s been about 1-2 weeks check and see if there are small sprouts. Once there are small sprouts you should put a small mesh net around you garden so that no birds get in and eat your small sprouts.

Then you must wait about 2-3 weeks. Once it has been 2-3 weeks you can check and see if there are small flowers. Once there are small flowers hopefully bee’s will come. If there are no bees where you live you buy bees from different places, but if do have bees great you don’t have too buy bees.

Then after about 1-2 weeks you will have small fruits growing on your stalk. Don’t pick the fruits right when the flower produces its’ small fruits you want to wait until its fruits turn a certain color such as red or yellow.

This is an almost ripe Strawberry, it is ripe because it is starting to turn red. Click here to buy your seeds..http://Plants, Bulbs & Seeds at




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