

Whittling it’s fun and there is many different ways and techniches to do it. It is an activity when you take a knife and cut a small twig until the tip of the twig is sharp. If you are under the age of 8 have an adult watch you while you are using the knife. One piece of advice is to not try and take off big chunks of the twig at a time, you want to just take off small strips of the twig. As you can see in this picture you do not want to put your fingers in front of the knife because you can cut yourself. What you want to do put tension on the back of the knife and cut very slowly. If you are using something like a pocket knife and the blade can close on your finger you could use a knife like this knife. If you were to cut yourself you would want to treat it with something immediately

Serene Lakes

This is Serene Lakes in California and it has great kayaking and trout fishing. As you can see in this photo the waters are nice and calm, but when it gets to about 2:00 the waters can get a little bit windy. When it get’s to about mid July there is some decent Crawfish fishing if you like it. When you are Crawfish fishing you should use a trap from the store and put a big hot dog in the trap. One of the fish in the lake is a Bull Catfish, which is a species of catfish that has a few small whiskers. Another one is the Rainbow Trout it is a type of trout that is a green and red colored fish and these fish taste great in my opinion. The last fish is small little chub minnows they are a small little green and  purple fish,  this fish you do not eat because it is very small. All of these fish will bite on power bait, and the trout and catfish will also bite on lures.


Another great feature is that it has a small beach area. If you have a membership to the homeowners association you can use the beach. This area has a volley ball net, but you have to bring your own volley ball.

Another great thing about the beach is there is a roped off area where you can swim.  It’s shallow.  You can also swim out the the doc that’s anchored in the water. You can  climb up and jump off!

If you just can’t help yourself and you want to catch a fish by the beach, you have two options. You can bring a small net to the swim beach area a have fun having the challenge of trying to scoop up tiny fish. You can also go to the side of the beach by the small dock where kayaks are parked and you can fish off that dock. 

If you visit during the winter and the lake hasn’t frozen solid yet,  ice fishing is also a choice. You can choose your own lures or bait for ice fishing since there can be a big difference in the bait or lure. I would recommend using a small jig.

There are ski resorts for skiing and snowboarding.  Some people even say kids ski and sled down the small hills in the middle of the street when the roads are closed.

If you want more info click this link










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