The Beach



Don’t we all want to go to the beach. Well you can, you could go almost any day of the week if you felt like it, and if you had the time to go.

Beaches are so much fun you can play in the sand or you can go swimming in the ocean. One popular thing that people do at a beach is dig a hole which is what is going on in this picture. If you’re are lucky you might even dig to water, then it would be like having an ocean in the sand. Sometimes you will find Sand  Crabs and other bugs in the sand, don’t worry Sand Crabs don’t bite or pinch you.

A second popular thing to do at the beach is go swimming in the ocean. You can surf, boogie board, or just swim. When your swimming if you get really lucky you might find a shark tooth in the sand, or see some really cool fish swimming.

Some people when they are swimming they will try and catch little minnows in a net. Another thing you can catch in a stronger net is crabs if they are at the beach.

When you are at the beach you should make sure to have fun playing the sand or swimming in the ocean.


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