Outdoors and What You Can Learn

You might be thinking how can I get out in nature and interact with it, fishing is one of the millions of things that you can do to interact with nature. There are some many benefits to getting out in nature here is some.


  • vitamin D
  • learning about the outdoors
  • seeing wildlife
  • getting fresh air
  • finding parts of nature

Here is why all of this is important. Vitamin D is important for your health, you mainly get vitamin D from the sun. Learning about the outdoors is good for you because then you know what can harm and cannot harm you. Seeing wildlife is good because it shows you how and can be some much different than us humans. Getting fresh air every once and a while is so good for your lungs because it clears out any bad things in your lungs. Finding parts of nature is so important because it shows you exactly what nature really is.


Take these caterpillars for example these are part of nature. We can learn all about these caterpillars. One of the most incredible things about caterpillars is that they go through a stage called Metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is a stage that the caterpillars go through that turns them from caterpillars into butterflies or moths. There is many steps to Metamorphosis the four steps are 1. Eat a lot of food 2. Form a chrysalis/cocoon 3. Stay in the chrysalis/cocoon for 1-4 weeks 4. Emerge out of the chrysalis/cocoon and turn into butterfly or moth. What determines if it is a butterfly of moth is the type of caterpillar it begins as. The caterpillars in this photo turned into Painted Ladies.

In this small paragraph we learned so much about nature, butterflies, and Metamorphosis. This just shows how much there is to learn about each animal out there.