Your Local Park

Did you ever know that most cities have a city park to visit. Sometimes people think what should I do today and a great choice would be to go visit a city park. Some of the benefits of going to a city park is you can get outdoors and fish, take a walk, or just observe nature.

Taking a walk outdoors anywhere is good for you because it moves your legs and it allows you to get vitamin D and maybe even meet someone new. When you walk around a pond or a or a playground you will be able to see the animals that live in your city such as ducks, lizards and fish (if the water is clear enough). Being able to see and observe what animals live in your city will give a better understanding of your city and what type of animals enjoy living in it. As you can see in this picture there are some Coots and they are a type of fish eating duck, that means that the eat the fish in the pond that they live in.

Fishing is another thing that is a great thing to do at a city park (if there is a pond). Fishing gives you the opportunity to really interact with the types of fish that live in you community. It is a great thing to do if your bored and you want to get out of the house and be in nature. The types of fish that are mostly in a community pond are Large Mouth Bass, trout, and catfish all of these fish can be caught on lures, live bait, dead bait, or power bait. The best water temps for catching trout in is between 45°-65°.  The best temperatures for catching bass in is 60°-78°, and the best temperature of water to catch catfish in is 45°- 80°.