Making a Fire

Have you ever wondered how do I start a fire or where to have a fire or when to have a fire. Fires are an amazing phenomenon caused by the burning of wood which shoots up beautiful orange/red flames. The wood will eventually burn out so you will need to add more wood so that it keeps burning. Kids love to add wood, pine needles, sticks and many other things to a fire so don’t be afraid to let your kid put some twigs in the fire. If you are concerned that your child may get burned make sure to educate them on proper fire safety here’s a link to help educate your child on fire safety.,you%20are%20with%20your%20children.

See look if you stay far enough back and be careful of flying embers you can always stay safe from the fire while having plenty of fun.

Where to have a fire. Some of the best places to have a fire is at a campsite. You can bring chairs roast marshmallows and throw stuff in the fire. Make sure not to put plastic stuff such as wrapping or plastic utensils in the fire it will make a toxic smoke and is bad for the air quality. Another thing to not put too much of in the fire is leaves they can help start the fire but the create a lot of smoke, and if you’re camping you don’t want that smoke to end up in your tent. If you like to put leaves in the fire then make sure to figure out which way the wind is blowing so the smoke doesn’t end up in your tent or RV. Never ever have a fire inside of your tent it is very dangerous and will very likely burn down your tent and all your belongings inside.

When to have a fire. The best time to have a fire is at night you can see the flames well and it’s more traditional. You can also have a fire in the morning it will help warm you up and cook some food. Some people like to start fires in the morning to help them cook breakfast or they’ll use them to warm up in the morning if it’s cold outside.