Lil Toot

Lets go on a boat ride, they are so much fun. Boats have so many different colors.

Some boats are made for going fishing in, and others are made for having an afternoon boat ride. This boat above is for having an afternoon boat ride at the beach.

This boat called the Lil Toot runs in the Santa Barbra Harbor.  Click here to find out more!!!




FISHING! it’s so much fun to go fishing. Now fishing is not just about catching a fish it is about getting outdoors to enjoy the fresh air.

Good water for fishing is clear and not murky. Bad water looks brown and muddy. The fish like clear water, because it helps them stay healthy. If there is bad water in the lake try a different lake. The worst algae is Golden Algae it kills off almost every fish in the lake.

When you release a fish back into the water it leaves it for another fishermen to catch. With some fish it can be silly to release them because you just cuaght yourself your very own dinner, but with other fish just throw them back into the lake. Click here to find out more!.http://Lake E. V. Spence – Texas Parks and Wildlife Department



Are you just bored out of your mind. Well if you are go for a bike ride with a friend.

There are some very fun places to go biking. You could go to a special place or just go biking in your neighborhood. My friend learned how to ride with no training wheels because when he was biking in his neighborhood they just fell off of his bike.

When you are biking you should always where a helmet anyways it’s the law to wear a helmet when you are riding a bike. If you are practicing with no training wheels for the first time in is good to wear knee and elbow guards. People usually learn to ride without training wheels when they are about 5 years old, but I did learn when I was 4 years old.


First you need good soil to plant your seeds in. Good soil is rich in humus and loamy. If you don’t know how to identify that type of soil here’s a picture above.

Then until it’s been 1-2 weeks you need to water the seeds about every other day, or they will die. After it’s been about 1-2 weeks check and see if there are small sprouts. Once there are small sprouts you should put a small mesh net around you garden so that no birds get in and eat your small sprouts.

Then you must wait about 2-3 weeks. Once it has been 2-3 weeks you can check and see if there are small flowers. Once there are small flowers hopefully bee’s will come. If there are no bees where you live you buy bees from different places, but if do have bees great you don’t have too buy bees.

Then after about 1-2 weeks you will have small fruits growing on your stalk. Don’t pick the fruits right when the flower produces its’ small fruits you want to wait until its fruits turn a certain color such as red or yellow.

This is an almost ripe Strawberry, it is ripe because it is starting to turn red. Click here to buy your seeds..http://Plants, Bulbs & Seeds at





If it is too cold to go outside go bowing. A place to go is Bowlero. Just so you know a lot of times they have loud music, Bowlero so if you have a young one have someone take care of it at home.

All kids love it they not only have bowling, but they also have a small arcade. In my opinion the bowling is better than the arcade. The lightest bowling ball that they have weighs 6lb, but you have to go up to the desk to get a six pound bowling ball. I would say it is for ages 7 and up, but your little ones could tyy bowling to, just to have some fun. If you want guard rails you have to go ask the front desk to put them up on your lane.

http://Bowlero Midland – Midland, TX – Yelp

Easter Egg Hunting

Pick up the Easter Eggs everyone its going to be so much fun. Easter Eggs have  so many different colors, and it’s so extraordinary when you get to see what is inside of them.

The colors make the Easter Eggs easy to see when you’re have an Easter eggs hunt with you friends. The best colors to see are blue, green, purple, pink, and red. My favorite parts of Easter egg hunting is seeing what’s inside of them. The worst part is that people throw all of the plastic eggs on the ground when they are done finding them.

Click here to find out more!

Family Programs – Midland Country Club


At The Beach

Splish, splash! who wants to go to the beach?   We will build sand castles, surf on the ocean waves, and even catch the coolest and weird looking bait fish.


But first we have to do all of the packing ( BORING). The things to pack are towels chairs and beach toys. You can carry things or put them in a wagon.


Surfing is so much fun and simple at the exact same time. The best way to start is to use little but awesome waves. Once you have learned how to surf, start practicing not letting go of the surfboard. Then it’s simple just surf the biggest most awesomest waves of all time. See its not so hard just a few simple steps and YOU HAVE GOT IT.

Now building a sandcastle is as simple, there’s only a few steps. The first step is to get a bucket of mostly sand ,but a little bit of water on top then mix it. Your second step is to is to flip the bucket over and tap it hard with the palm of your hand. The third step is to shape it in to any shape that you want. The last step is to make more sand castles.

Now are you wondering how do I catch such small fish in a net? well you can do it with a little teaching and some practice. Your first step is to buy a net if you don’t already have one. Then you must find small bait fish, and very slowly sneak up on them. Next once you are close enough very quickly scoop the fish in to the net. Once you have caught a fish you can do many things with it, such eat it release it or use it as bait for catching a larger fish.

Now do you want to go to the beach? Check out beautiful and fun Florida beaches here. 



What are all of these? Fish. Do you like to go fishing?  Well you know what this post is going to be all about fishing and bass.  This bass in the picture above is probably about 13 inches long , and probably weighs 3.5 pounds. To catch a bass that big you need about 15 pound test. My favorite type of fishing rod is the Okuma brand,  it’s very heavy duty, not this kind of duty?. My favorite line is flora carbon.



Have you ever ever thought of buying a GoPro that can go underwater, there so amazing. An underwater GoPro took this picture above.  You could even attach a GoPro to a long pole so that it can go farther than your arm?‍♂️?‍♂️ can reach, and they can go on land. Here’s some ideas of where to put your GoPro. On your boat, on a hat, and on the motor of your boat.








Trash Control

Cans, plastic, and paper.  What do all of these things have in common? They are all litter! Do you like litter? Well I certainly don’t.

If you are looking for something to do outside, you could go pick up trash. In my neighborhood they are building new houses and my family noticed a lot of trash. I didn’t like seeing the trash all over our neighborhood so my family decided to go pick up trash with the help of our neighbors.

As we picked up trash we used the Litterati app.

When you use this app while picking up trash you can take a picture of the litter and tag it to identify what it is.  This app lets you take a picture and it automatically marks the location where you found the trash and puts a red dot on their map using GPS coordinates.

When you’re all done you can go back to the Web page and see where you found each piece of trash.  If you click on one of the little red dots it will show what exactly the litter is.

You can also go on their map and see what other people have picked up. You can see that a lot of people have littered and other people have had to go pick up after them.  A lot of people don’t like to pick up trash but it’s what you should do for your community.

In the end my family and neighbors helped pick up 5 bags altogether.  Each bag weighed 10-15 pounds we got about 60 pounds of trash.This day I felt pretty good because I knew when I looked out my window from my house I wouldn’t see a lot of trash anymore. Anyone who is interested should start picking up trash – and if you want to use the Litterati app it helps track the litter to see just how much litter is in our world.

To get the Litterati app go to the Litterati website and and get it on your (or your mom’s) phone.



Tadpole Hunting

Today you’re going to learn about tadpoles and frogs. You can find tadpoles in a ditch with water. When you find some,  get a plastic container and fill it part of the way up with ditch water then bring them home. You should put a lid or something over the container so they don’t splash around in your car.

First they will swim around . Then they’ll grow legs and arms. You need to replace the water every other day with water from where you found them.

It will take about a week for them to grow little legs. Now they will start to climb the rocks. They need algae to eat when they’re little and protein when they have legs. You can add algae wafers from the fish store if needed and other plants from the water you got them from.

Keep the lid on, but leave a little crack so the wild birds don’t eat them.  At my house the birds ate them and we had to go and get more tadpoles.

Eventually they will grow into froglets, then into big adult frogs. They will start to climb so you will want to put in some rocks or large pieces of wood or mulch.

Have fun watching your froglet swim around.  When you’re done watching them, put them back in the same pond that you found them in.  Return them to their original home.